Online coaching for a joyful and fulfilling life. Send me a WA message on +91 9769355585 for a preliminary 30 min call at no cost.
Holistic Wellbeing
Health does not mean only absence of disease. True health means you “experience a high level of physical, psychological and social functioning and an active engagement with life, with minimal disease or disability until the end of life. True health is by definition ‘holistic’ and is therefore a function of our physical, emotional, mental, relational and spiritual well-being. To enjoy true health, immunity is the key.*
To boost immunity we need to nurture our body and treat it as our temple which it indeed is! We need to eat foods that nourish our body. We need to ensure adequate rest and exercise for the body. We need to manage our cortisol levels and regulate our thoughts and emotions so that they don't adversely affect the body. We have to invest time and effort to build harmonious relationships. We need to develop some spiritual (not religious) practices to fortify our inner resources.
*This paragraph is taken from

What is Coaching
Coaching is not Counselling or Therapy. It is a mutually agreed process of providing feedback, insight, options, opportunities, knowledge and skills. Domain expertise is not necessary for coaching. People need to develop themselves given their upbringing, experiences, mental models, and values. Cancer coaching works alongside medical treatments, not against it. As a cancer Coach I help people reframe cancer as a growth experience (a springboard for personal development) rather than a death sentence (meaningless suffering, fighting and winning, bearing it stoically/ bravely) Coaching conversations
Interrogate Reality
Provoke Learning
Accomplish the Task
Enrich relationships
Clients have to be willing to go within, unlearn, relearn and be comfortable in being uncomfortable.
“Coaching Conversations do take time.
The problem is, anything else takes longer.”
- Susan Scott
Grace and Gratitude
My work is greatly influenced by the work of my mentor, Vijay Bhat of Cancer Awakens. What I know and share, is all a result of his guidance, support and magnanimity. Thank you, Vijay. I am thankful to Rishi Gangoly of Webdudes for having introduced me to Vijay. I regularly learn about the Vedanta philosophy from Sunita Shanker and Ramkumar who volunteer with the Chinmaya Mission. Thank you Jayashree Damani for sending me the flyer of the Summer Camp by Chinmaya Mission. My gratitude to my spiritual teacher Nithya Shanti for all the practical ways to live joyfully. Thank you Vinit Taneja for bringing Nithya into my life. I would also like to express my gratitude to Stutii Samanvay from Conquering My Own Everest. I have learnt the basics of nutrition, physiology, PNS activation and habit formation from her. And thanks to Arcchit Goyal for introducing me to her. Thank you to Suman Nair for the Enneagram certification, Alefiya Rangwala for initiating me into the Reiki healing system and Rangana Chaudhury for the NLP certification.