We all get 24 hours every day. And at the end of the day many of use wish we had done more. What can we do to ensure we have a productive day, a day where we give our 100%. Sharing my 10 commandments on the topic so that you experience joy and fulfilment in your work. Do share your nuggets of wisdom on the subject.
1. Maintain a To-Do list with the timelines, priority and current status. Tip: Maintain one master list. Strikeout the completed tasks or update the status as “completed”.
2. Prioritise the tasks means classify them as important tasks or urgent tasks. Tip: Ensure that the important tasks don’t become urgent.
3. Set the completion date at least 1 day prior to the submission date so that there is time to do a review. Tip: The more time between completion and review, the better is the quality of the deliverable. And if you can get a peer review done that is awesome!
4. Keep space for contingencies. People and events will happen. Something with higher priority and suddenly crop up. No plan is etched in stone. Make necessary changes.
5. Define an early indicator to communicate to your boss/ manager that you may not finish on time.
6. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you are struggling in any way. Asking for help is not a sign of vulnerability. It needs great strength and courage to ask for help in the interests of the deliverable. Learn to delegate effectively.
7. Set honest and polite boundaries. Do not get distracted by things that take you away from your goal. But keep your attitude of kindness intact.
8. Be kind and compassionate to yourself. If things go wrong, motivate yourself. When you accomplish the activities of the day, appreciate yourself.
9. Eat nourishing and nutritious foods. Get enough sleep. Do some basic stretches. Take care of your mental and emotional health. More on this in the subsequent posts.
10. Most importantly, SMILE!