Ankit's Journey
Ankit is a content creator and lives with his mom in a suburb of Mumbai. He prepares his lunch and takes it along with him to office. His mom wakes up after he leaves for office. Most of the days he would make ‘daal-chaawal’ or ‘khichdi’ and add a dash of pickle. Earlier in the year he went for his health checkup (which his company sponsors) and he was concerned to see some of the markers in his blood report dangerously close to the tipping point.
He was exercising daily and sleeping well. He was also journalling and reading some books suggested by his friends for mental and emotional wellbeing. When he started reflecting on his food intake, he realised that he was not having any vegetables or any good source of protein. So, he decided to wake up early to cook his meals. By the time he actually got up and returned from his daily run, he found himself struggling to cut the vegetables and cook them. He gave up – for the time being.
When we spoke, we deliberated on different possibilities. And Ankit decided that the major bottleneck was cutting the vegetables. So, we came up with 2 options
1. Cut the vegetables the previous day before retiring for the day or request mom to do it during the day
2. Cut the vegetables during the weekend and store in separate containers in the fridge
Ankit experimented and this is what the easiest path was for him. He now cuts and par boils the vegetables for the week and keeps in airtight containers in the fridge. His mom cooks the protein during the day for the day and for Ankit to carry to office for his lunch the next day. He also included some easy, healthy, dietary fat in his meals. In the process, he was able to decrease his grain consumption drastically. After 6 months, his blood reports were singing a different tune. He rewarded himself with a holiday in Nepal with his close friends.
Reflect on
1. What does your habit tracker say?
2. Which habit do you want to change/ add/ eliminate?
3. If you are struggling with forming the habit, what can you do to make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it rewarding?
If you are stuck, connect with me on WA +91 97693555 for a complimentary 30 minute call to identify how you can move forward.