Where is the time to journal? Many of you have written to express this problem. Today I present to you something called Five Minute Journal. It is one of the simplest and most effective ways to journal. If you do this consciously and consistently every day, you will gradually increase your happiness levels. The design of the Five Minute Journal is built on proven principles of positive psychology. You have to get out of your comfort zone, take action and make the magic happen.
The Five Minute Journal is like a toothbrush for your mind – if you brush your teeth daily twice! You write it first thing in the morning and you write it last thing at night. We are bombarded by a steady stream of negative news, deadlines at work, and personal problems. With the Five Minute Journal, we can start focusing on the good. It is your mental insurance policy against recurring, negative thought patterns. A research study found that keeping a daily gratitude journal leads to an increased sense of well-being, better sleep, willingness to accept change, and also lower symptoms of physical pain. The simple daily format of the Five Minute Journal will help focus on your little blessings to make you smile every day, to create a clear vision for each day, and also track your progress.
As soon as you wake up,
1. Write 3 things you are grateful for. Be specific and take time to connect with the
feeling behind your gratitude before moving on to the next section. This connection with the feeling is important.
2. Next, write 3 actions you will take today to make your day great. You can ask yourself how you want to feel at the end of the day. Then write down actions that would give you that feeling.
3. Finally write down a simple statement in the present tense that focuses on what you want to create in your life. After you write the statement, pause to asses how you feel. If it does not resonate with you, take this as a sign to step back and reassess. If you do not have the time, make it a point to reassess the very next day.
Before going to sleep,
4. Write 3 amazing things that happened during your day. Again, please get specific and also remember to connect with the feeling.
5. Finally write what action(s) could you have taken today that would have made your day even better? This is your personal reminder that you have the power to change your perception of the past and influence the future. This is the time to reflect on your day. Don’t be hard on yourself though. Be honest and compassionate to yourself.