Success can mean different things to different people. We all have different goals to achieve. But for all of us, success is important. Success is important to our general wellbeing. Success gives us confidence and a sense of security. Success makes us feel valued and worthy of contribution. The quest for success is wired in our DNA.
Some people achieve their life’s goals. There are others who never achieve success as per their expectations. Some people enjoy their work and look forward to starting their day with energy and enthusiasm. There are others who dread the day especially Monday. Some people accept failure as a normal ingredient of life and bounce back. There are others who wallow in self-pity or blame others for their failures and are unable to get back on their feet. Some people seem to have it all. While there are others who are forever struggling.
What makes the difference? Today I explore The Golden Circle theory. According to this theory attribute to Simon Sinek, many of us think from the outside in. We know what we are doing and we also know how we are going to do it. But a majority of us do not focus on the reason for doing so - the WHY. This keeps us from unlocking our full potential.
If you want to be the best version of yourself and be successful, you need to know what you want to do, how you want to do it and most importantly, why you want to do it. Understanding the Golden Circle theory will help you get to the bottom of why you have certain goals. Empower yourself on your journey for purpose and value driven action. Give yourself the permission to wake up in the morning inspired and end the day with a send of fulfilment for the work you do.
You need to start with WHY you want the success. The WHY is your purpose, the reason why the. success is so important. And if this WHY is an emotional one, then it will be easier to achieve the success. If you want to go to the gym, why do you want it? If you want the promotion, why do you want it? If you want a transfer to another department, why do you want it? If you want to change your job, why exactly do you want to do it? If you are attending a training program, why are you doing it? When you have the WHY, then the HOW and WHAT just flows. This is the foundation. If you start asking yourself WHY you want to achieve a particular goal, you will make better decisions. You will be able to stand by your beliefs with conviction and be able to source the motivation within to accomplish your objectives. It is the WHY that most of us tend to overlook. We do not realise that we need a reason to drive and inspire us.
If you are struggling to find your WHY, here are 3 sets of questions to help you. These questions are heavily borrowed from the concept of Ikigai.
What do you love doing? When are you most happy? What are you usually doing when you totally lose track of the time? What were you doing when you did not notice that you had not had your lunch?
What skills and capabilities do you have? What are you trained in? What do you love reading/ listening/ seeing? What do you love learning more about? What do people compliment you on?
How can you make a living? What do you need to do to put food on the table? What will people pay you for?
Once you have clarity on the WHY, the HOW is not challenging. The HOW defines your plan to achieve the WHY. HOW can you accomplish your WHY with the resources available to you– internally and externally? What tools and techniques are available that you can take advantage of? The HOW helps you define the strategies and ideas you need to achieve your results and reach your goals. The framework for the HOW is based on ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. The last stage of WHAT is then. quite obvious and effortless. The WHAT are the steps for execution. These are the actions you need to take every day to achieve your WHY.