A colleague returned from his vacation. He had gone home, and like all Indian mothers who think love is where the stomach is, his mom fed him the choicest of delicacies. So he was talking about how he had 20 jalebis every day. And I could not help but exclaim!!! The amount of harm he had done to his dear body.
When we eat food that converts into glucose (sugar, carbohydrates, etc) our pancreas secretes insulin which is the key for our cells. There are receptors on our cells. If the receptors accept the key then glucose - and other nutrients as well - enter the cells and produce energy (ATP).
If there is excess glucose then cells either get damaged due to the high amount of glucose or refuse to accept insulin because the receptors are damaged. This is insulin resistance. So cells are not accepting glucose and also other nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Basically, the cells are not functioning properly. So, this condition can cause illness. We need to protect the body from insulin spike and start the healing process. So eat less sugar and also decrease the frequency of eating so that there is minimum insulin spike.
Foods that convert into glucose in the body include pizza, pasta, bread, ice cream, chocolates, and ketchup.